日別アーカイブ: 2019年1月25日

本心に立ちかえる時 / “When he came to himself”



(新約聖書 ルカによる福音書15:17,18 口語訳)

彼が「本心に立ちかえっ」たのは、遠く父の家を離れ、すべての財産と友人、食べるものまでも失ったときでした。英語の聖書ではこの箇所が“when he came to himself”(彼が彼自身に戻ったとき)と書かれています。私はこの物語を読むときに、この弟だけが特別に愚かな人間だったとは思えません。彼と同じように、大切な何かを見失っていた私たちが「本心に立ちかえる」のは、何かを失ったときなのではないかと思うからです。




There are three parables in Luke 15. They have a common theme. The theme is that God is looking for a lost one. “The Prodigal son” is very famous parable. The prodigal son received huge money from his father and he went to a far country. Then he wasted all the money and time. When he had spent everything, a severe famine came to the country, so he couldn’t get food.

 “But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have more than enough bread, but I perish here with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you.(Luke 15:17,18 ESV)

When he lost everything so he was able to come to himself. I think that stupid person is not only the son but also us. Because we often do not come to ourselves until we lose something important. When we lose something, it may be a good opportunity to come to ourselves.

As the father waited without giving up his son, God is waiting for us to return.