日別アーカイブ: 2019年1月11日

どんな人か見たいと思っていた / “ He wanted to see who Jesus was”




(新約聖書 ルカによる福音書19:5 口語訳)


I went to running on holiday morning as usual. As I was running I noticed that there were many policemen and police car beside the road.

I asked one of them, “What’s going on? Is anyone important coming here?”

He answered, “The Emperor and Empress are going to their tomb for special ceremony. They will pass here soon.”

When I heard this, I was so excited. Because it was my first experience to see the Emperor. As the policeman said, the Emperor and Empress came there soon. It was only for a moment but I was able to see the Emperor and the Empress.

At that time, it reminded me of the story of Zacchaeus.

When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.”  (Luke 19:5 NIV)

The Bible says,“He wanted to see who Jesus was,”(19:3).

Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus, so he prepared for that. He looked up where Jesus was about to pass and was waiting at the place which was on a tree.

Finally, he was able to see Jesus. Not only was he able to see Jesus, but Jesus spoke to Zacchaeus personally! How pleased he was!

He did his best to prepare to meet Jesus. Then he was able to meet Jesus.

We are waiting for Jesus to come again. Are we preparing for the best just like Zacchaeus did? I would like to welcome Jesus happily like Zacchaeus when Jesus comes.