日別アーカイブ: 2019年1月4日

新年の願い / My goal this year




「わたしを祝福してくださらないなら、あなたを去らせません」。(旧約聖書 創世記32:26 口語訳)





A happy new year! May God bless your year.

This is my goal this year. I want to further strengthen the relationship with God. I often did not have enough time to spend in prayer and Bible study. Because I was busy or tired. This is as if I am saying to God; “God, I do not need you, I can do it by myself”. As a result, I almost burned out.

When Jacob submitted to the message from God and he tried to go back to his hometown, he was very suffering from the feeling of guilt and the fear of Esau tormented him.

That night, Jacob fought overnight with the angel God had sent. Then Jacob said to him,

“I will not let you go unless you bless me.” (Genesis 32:26 ESV)

Ellen White describes Jacob’s feelings at that time as follows.

“He had decided to spend the night in prayer, and he desired to be alone with God. God could soften the heart of Esau. In Him was the patriarch’s only hope.

In his night of anguish beside the Jabbok, when destruction seemed just before him, Jacob had been taught how vain is the help of man, how groundless is all trust in human power. He saw that his only help must come from Him against whom he had so grievously sinned.( “Patriarchs and Prophets” Chapter 18)

This is my prayer. “God, please change me, please give me a heart to seek  You strongly like Jacob,and please give me a hunger for you.”