日別アーカイブ: 2018年10月19日

受けるよりは与える方が幸いである / It is more blessed to give than to receive





(新約聖書 使徒言行録20:35 新共同訳)




I like to receive something from others. When I receive a gift for my birthday, I feel happy. Giving something to others involves sacrifice. Often it is difficult. However, it is not happy not to give anything to others just by receiving it.

“Dead sea” is one of the famous place in the world. Many traveler are visiting there every year.

Water in that lake can’t live there because of salinity too high. The Dead Sea is at a minus 418 meters above sea level. The water of the Jordan River flows into it, but there is no other river to way out there. Moisture evaporates. As a result, it became “sea of death”.

When the apostle Paul left Ephesus’ church, he said to the elders.

In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”(Acts 20:35 ESV)

Only people who live like that can understand the word “It is more blessed to give than to receive”.

Paul’s life was changed by encounter with Jesus. He have met who gave own life for him. Then he began to live like Jesus.

I strongly hope that we also want to change our life same as Paul. I want to experience that “It is more blessing to give than to receive” in my life.