日別アーカイブ: 2018年9月28日

受けるよりは与える方が幸いである / It is more blessed to give than to receive





(旧約聖書 創世記24:67 新共同訳)

私はこの箇所を読んだとき、イサクが母サラを亡くした悲しみで心の中にぽっかりとあいた穴を埋めるための手段としてリベカを妻として迎えたような感じがして、少し嫌な気持ちがしていました。しかし、注意深く読んでみると、「イサクはリベカを愛して、亡くなった母に代わる慰めを得た」とあります。イサクは、リベカを愛することによって、慰めを得ることが出来たのです。私は自分が傷ついたり、慰めを必要とするようなとき、「誰かに愛されたい。慰められたい。」と受け身的な気持ちになってしまうことがよくあります。しかし、聖書は私たちに「受けるよりは与える方が幸いである」(新約聖書 使徒言行録20:35 新共同訳)と教えています。私たちが誰かに愛を与えるとき、結果としてその愛は、他の人だけでなく私自身の心の穴をも満たす豊かなものになるのだと聖書は教えています。



Abraham and his wife Sarah, and his son Isaac were blessed family. After his wife died, Abraham ordered his servant to look for a wife for Isaac. That servant brought candidate of Isaac’s wife. Her name is Rebekah. She was a beautiful, honest and faithful person(According to Genesis 24).

This is the scene where they became couple.

Then Isaac brought her into the tent of Sarah his mother and took Rebekah, and she became his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death(Genesis 24:67 ESV).

I felt uncomfortable when I first read this verse. Isaac had a hole in his heart because his mother was passed away. I felt that he was trying to use Rebekah to fill his hole.

However, when I repeatedly read, I noticed that this verse mention “Isaac loved Rebekah. So he was comforted.”

When Isaac loved Rebekah, his heart was comforted.

When I am hurt and depressed, I think “I want to be loved by someone, I want to be comforted by someone.” At that time my heart is passiveness, not active.

But the Bible teaches us very important principle that “It is more blessed to give than to receive”(Acts 20:35 ESV).

When we give love to someone, it’s make happy not only them, but also us. It will spread very richly.