日別アーカイブ: 2018年5月11日

価値あるものを見落とすことはない / Their eyes see all its treasures










(旧約聖書 ヨブ記28:3,7,9,10 新共同訳)



A Bible student told me a face that looked very happy.

“When I started reading the Bible, I could not understand its meaning, but when I continued to read it without giving up, I became able to understand it.”

I was very happy to hear her saying.

In modern times, “quickness”, “easily” and “easy to understand” are required. For example, television commercials are very short and easy to understand. Many comfortable internet short movies are made.

In contrast, the Bible is a thick and difficult book. I have often found it difficult to keep on reading it. However, if you continue reading while asking God without giving up on it, you will gradually understand it. It is a very exciting experience.

Mortals put an end to the darkness;
they search out the farthest recesses
for ore in the blackest darkness.
No bird of prey knows that hidden path,
no falcon’s eye has seen it.
People assault the flinty rock with their hands
and lay bare the roots of the mountains.
10 They tunnel through the rock;
their eyes see all its treasures.

(Job 28:3,7,9,10 NIV)

Reading the Bible is similar to finding treasure. If you give up soon, treasure will not be found. But if you tunnel through the rock; your eyes see all its treasures.