日別アーカイブ: 2018年3月30日

「40日の祈り」と「70日の祈り」 / ”40 Days of Prayer” and “70 days of Prayer”


(新約聖書 ルカによる福音書22:32 新共同訳)


先日、私たち日本の教会が所属する北アジア太平洋支部で働く友人から「私たちの事務所でも、日本のために祈っています」という励ましのメッセージを受け取りました。事務所の壁には、“70Days Prayer for All Japan 2018 Maranatha”(「全日本18マラナ・タのための70日の祈り」)という横断幕が掲げられていました。その写真を見ながら胸が熱くなりました。




But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”(Luke 22:32 NIV)

Many Japanese churches will have evangelism meetings this May. Many people participate in “40 days of prayer” for the meeting. We also started this prayer from 25th March at our church. We are praying together at the prayer meeting and at the members’ home when learning the Bible. And, when it is difficult to gather together, we pray together using SNS, telephone and so on.

I received a message from my friend this week. She works at the office of the Northern Asia Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventist church. The people working at the office also pray for the Japanese church and its work. They continue “70 days of prayer” for Japan.

I am praying with the members of the church for the ministry of our church. And there are friends praying in foreign countries for us. That is a great pleasure.

One day last year, I was resting because I felt ill. At that time, I received an e-mail from a person I do not know. He is a pastor who works at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist church. He said. “I pray everyday for you and your ministry.” I was very surprised. Because it was a hard day for me.

At that time, I felt as if Jesus told me, “I am praying for you.” Indeed, Jesus continues to pray for me.

We can connect strongly with God by prayer. And we can support each other with our friends by prayer.

I will experience such prayer power again through this “40 days of prayer”.