日別アーカイブ: 2018年3月23日

すべてをありのまま話した / Told him the whole truth





(新約聖書 マルコによる福音書5:33 新共同訳)



Four young people will talk about their experiences at the service of the Hachioji church on 24th March. They graduated from each school this spring. During their three or six years, there would have been something happy or sad.  They graduated beyond those periods. I think that it is worth the time they spent. It is not easy for us to write what they have experienced, and to talk about it in front of people.

They accepted my request willingly. I am grateful to them.

When Jesus was in the crowd, a woman approached him and touched its clothes. She was sick, but she believed that if she touched Jesus she would recover. When she touched Jesus, Jesus felt that power comes out of him. And he said. “Who touched me?” What then did she do?

 Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth(Mark 5:33 NIV).

Telling her own experience in front of people was also difficult for her. She would want to leave there calmly. But Jesus hoped she would come out and talk about her whole experience. It was because other people were blessed by her experience.

I pray that people will be blessed through the experiences of young people at the worship service on 24th March. And God will bless the future of these young people.