日別アーカイブ: 2018年2月16日

春の訪れを告げる / The flower which tells coming of spring





(旧約聖書 詩編130:5,6 新共同訳)



There are several famous places of plum blossoms in Hachioji city. I went to Kogesawa plum garden this week, one of them. Plums there were not yet blooming. They will bloom in March. However, I was able to enjoy the plum blossoms which are beginning to bloom little by little while I headed there.

Every year, when plum blossoms start to bloom, I know that spring is approaching. A flower blooming in the coldest period of the year is announcing the arrival of spring. They are giving hope to us.

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,
    and in his word I put my hope.
I wait for the Lord
    more than watchmen wait for the morning,
    more than watchmen wait for the morning(Psalms 130:5,6 NIV).

We are living in such difficult times as to lose view of hope. In such a time, I would like to be like a winter plum. As they do, I want to tell people in the vicinity that spring is approaching. There is no hope for ourselves. God alone has hope.

We look forward to God like the watchmen are waiting for the morning.

That way, we can share hope to people.