日別アーカイブ: 2017年12月22日

解き明かしは神がなさること / Interpretations belong to God




(旧約聖書 創世記40:8 新共同訳)



Sometimes, it’s difficult to give some advice to people who is in hard situation. Because I don’t have answer for the hard situation too. Even if I had answer based on my personal experience, sometimes I can’t apply it for others.

Joseph is one of the representative person in the Old Testament. God gave him ability of interpretation for dreams. So, he was able to interpretation the meaning of dreams. It is the word that he told people who met in prison.

Then Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.”(Genesis 40:8 NIV)

His saying teach us very important things.

“Interpretations belong to God”

We cannot solve for problems that are people have. It is able to God alone.

We are able to just suggest Him.

“Please tell me your dream, your story.” He said to them.

We cannot solve that, however, we can listen their story carefuly, with deep sympathy.

We can learn that trust to God who has problem-solving ability, and counseling mind that Joseph had.