月別アーカイブ: 2017年12月

いい天気? / Nice weather?








(旧約聖書 イザヤ55:9~11 新共同訳)



We say on a sunny day, “The weather is so nice today!” Certainly, on a sunny day we can exercise outdoors or dry clothes.

However, I think, is it correct to call “sunny days” are “nice weather”, and “rainy days” are “bad weather”?

Japanese people usually eat “Mikan”(oranges) in winter. It is a necessity in winter. However, this year the oranges are short. One of the causes seems to be that there was little rain in the summer. For plants to produce fruit, both sunshine and rain are needed. In the same way, both of us are necessary for our life.

We will complain when it rains. However, the rain meets our needs. The year of 2017 almost done.

There were sunny days and rainy days in our 2017. I believe that God will guide all of them best.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
As the rain and the snow
come down from heaven,
and do not return to it
without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.(Isaiah 55:9-11 NIV)

解き明かしは神がなさること / Interpretations belong to God




(旧約聖書 創世記40:8 新共同訳)



Sometimes, it’s difficult to give some advice to people who is in hard situation. Because I don’t have answer for the hard situation too. Even if I had answer based on my personal experience, sometimes I can’t apply it for others.

Joseph is one of the representative person in the Old Testament. God gave him ability of interpretation for dreams. So, he was able to interpretation the meaning of dreams. It is the word that he told people who met in prison.

Then Joseph said to them, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams.”(Genesis 40:8 NIV)

His saying teach us very important things.

“Interpretations belong to God”

We cannot solve for problems that are people have. It is able to God alone.

We are able to just suggest Him.

“Please tell me your dream, your story.” He said to them.

We cannot solve that, however, we can listen their story carefuly, with deep sympathy.

We can learn that trust to God who has problem-solving ability, and counseling mind that Joseph had.

平和の祈り / Prayer for peace





(新約聖書 ヨハネによる福音書14:27 新共同訳)




Time passes so quickly. 2017 is going to be almost over. How was your in 2017? When we look back this year, there were lots of painful incidents this year. And many of those incidents are not yet resolved.

We are going to have a Christmas concert on Dec 24 at Hachioji church.

The theme of this concert is “Prayer for peace”.

We would like to pray with them “Prayer for peace”.

Jesus gave us such a wonderful promise.

 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.(John 14:27 NIV)

Peace where Jesus promised us was not temporary. That is what anyone in this world can’t make. Only Jesus can remove anxiety and fear from our hearts and give real peace. I wish God will give His peace for people who has suffering in this Christmas time.

ずうっと歩いたこともプレゼントの一部 / Walking a long distance is part of the gift.









(新約聖書 フィリピの信徒への手紙2:6~8 新共同訳)


This is my favorite Christmas story.

A boy sent a special Christmas gift to a Christian missionary who worked in Africa. It was a beautifully rare shell. The boy walked a very long way for this gift. The missionary who received the gift thankfully said to the boy. “For this gift, you gone far far away, Thank you very much!” the boy replied and said.

“Pastor, walking a long distance is part of my gift.”


When reading this story, my heart was moved. “Gifts” are certainly not only the gifts themselves, but also including the feelings put in them and all the time and effort spent preparing them. I sincerely wish to offer thanks to Jesus during this season when people all over the world celebrate Christmas.

“Jesus, thank you so much for coming to us a long way to save us from sin!”

Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross! (Philippians 2:6-8 NIV)

祈りなしには力なし / No prayer, No power




主は世界中至るところを見渡され、御自分と心を一つにする者を力づけようとしておられる。(旧約聖書 歴代誌下16:9 新共同訳)

“No prayer, No power.”(祈りなしには力なし)今回の研修で学んだ言葉の一つです。そのことを私たちは頭では分かっています。しかし、自分はどれほど真剣に神様からの力を求めて祈ってきただろうかと、これまでの自分の祈りの貧しさを恥じる思いにさせられました。神様は私たちを、ひたむきな祈りの経験へと招いておられます。あなたはそれにどのように応じるでしょうか。

I returned from the Philippines that was CLAP program. It was so blessed. God gave us many meaningful lessons, encounter, and beautiful memories. I really appreciate with God because of them.

One night, I was talking with my roommate. I asked him. “When did you come to have the idea of becoming a pastor in the future?”

“When I was childhood, my grandmother always encouraged me to become a pastor, and she kept praying for me, I began to feel like wanting to be a pastor. “He replied.

His grandmother passed away before he became a pastor. He is sorry for that. But I felt that her prayers showed him a way and made him a pastor. His grandmother passed away, but her prayers guided him.

We heard the story of a pastor who is working as a missionary in Nepal with a vesper on Friday night. He did not rely on the help of organizations and people, but instead went to just only focus on God’s promise and began working on evangelism in Nepal. Nepal is a country with many Hindus. Missionary Christianity in such a country is accompanied by a lot of difficulties. But whenever he encountered difficulty, he gave a sincere prayer to God, and he heard a story of God’s experiences that God made the way in response to that prayer each time.

 For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him (Chronicles 16:9 NIV).

“No prayer, No power”. It is one of words that I have learned by this session. I know this word is truth. But I was realized that I didn’t pray for God with sincere prayer in my Christian life. God is inviting us to a sincere prayer experience. How would you respond to it?