日別アーカイブ: 2017年11月24日




神は、一人の人からすべての民族を造り出して、地上の至るところに住まわせ、季節を決め、彼らの居住地の境界をお決めになりました。これは、人に神を求めさせるためであり、また、彼らが探し求めさえすれば、神を見いだすことができるようにということなのです。実際、神はわたしたち一人一人から遠く離れてはおられません。(新約聖書 使徒言行録17:26,27 新共同訳)


United in Diversity 

Training program in Philippines has been on the second week. We took a lecture “United in Diversity” this week. It was really interesting. There are various countries, ethnicities and languages in our world. They often make misunderstandings. However, when we try to understand each other with humility, respect, and patience, our perspective will expand and we will understand each other. 

We participated Sabbath worship, and Cultural Night in AIIAS last weekend. Currently, it seems that faculty members come from 18 different countries, and students come from 80 countries learn at AIIAS. When we worshiped God and shared the cultures of each other with people from various places all over the world, I felt “Is heaven such an atmosphere?” 

From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us(Acts 17:26,27 NIV).  

I remember this Scripture when I meet brethren in various countries. Certainly, language and cultural differences sometimes interfere with our communication. However, the Bible promises that we can communicate and understand each other beyond these differences.