日別アーカイブ: 2017年11月17日




  • 高所得者の13% 低所得者の27%
  • 70代以上の6% 50~70代の13% 30~50代の24% 30代までの25%
  • 女性の15% 男性の22%




イエス様は御自身がこの世界に来られた理由を「人の子は、失われたものを捜して救うために来たのである」(新約聖書 ルカによる福音書19:10)と言われました。




For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.

Feeling loneliness is painful. Sometimes we are tired of relationships and feel that I want to be alone, but I can not live alone. Interesting survey results were introduced in the class this week.

“Who are lonely?”

Upscale : 13% Downscale : 27%

Elders : 6% Boomers :13% Gen-Xers : 24%  Millennials : 25%

Women : 15% Men : 22%

According to this survey, young people have a higher percentage of loneliness than elderly people.

Three parable stories are written in the book of Luke 15. There are “The Parable of the Lost Sheep”, “The Parable of the Lost Coin”, and “The Parable of the Lost Son”. All of them teach that Jesus cherished “one” that was lost.

I feel lonely when I am alone. For example, as when I am alone in the desert without anyone. However, I feel lonely even in the crowd. That is the time when I feel that no one needs me, no one remembers me.

Jesus talked about the reason why he came to this world.

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost(Luke 19:10 NIV).

I have been in the Philippines this week for my study of English. I feel headache and I was asleep in my room. At that time my classmates gathered for me and prayed. I felt my heart and body healed by their kindness. I was able to feel that “I am not lonely”. When someone is suffering, I want to support him or her. Like they did for me.