日別アーカイブ: 2017年11月3日

主は約束されたとおり / The Lord did for Sarah what he had promised




(旧約聖書 創世記21:1,2 新共同訳)




We had evangelical meeting this week. There were 10 times meeting during this 5 days. God gave us many blessings. The first day was raining heavily. However, 30 participants attended. Some of them, those who came to our church for the first time were included. During five days, there was a day with a few participants. However, God gave us a valuable encounter in response to our prayer.

One week ago, my mind was filled with anxiety. “Does anyone participate in the meeting?”, “Can I teach them enough?” … etc. When I thought about it, my anxiety has increased. At that time, God gave me a Scripture. I wrote about it in a post last week. It was the faith of Abraham. He had anxiety, but he still believed in God’s promise. I read the continuance this week. It was written as follows there.

Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised.  Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.(Genesis 21:1,2 NIV)

God carried out His promise to Abraham. Even if it was difficult with human thought. We will not fully understand God’s promises and  His plans. However, He will do it at the best time. I hope that God fulfills a promise at the time of best in your life.