月別アーカイブ: 2017年11月




神は、一人の人からすべての民族を造り出して、地上の至るところに住まわせ、季節を決め、彼らの居住地の境界をお決めになりました。これは、人に神を求めさせるためであり、また、彼らが探し求めさえすれば、神を見いだすことができるようにということなのです。実際、神はわたしたち一人一人から遠く離れてはおられません。(新約聖書 使徒言行録17:26,27 新共同訳)


United in Diversity 

Training program in Philippines has been on the second week. We took a lecture “United in Diversity” this week. It was really interesting. There are various countries, ethnicities and languages in our world. They often make misunderstandings. However, when we try to understand each other with humility, respect, and patience, our perspective will expand and we will understand each other. 

We participated Sabbath worship, and Cultural Night in AIIAS last weekend. Currently, it seems that faculty members come from 18 different countries, and students come from 80 countries learn at AIIAS. When we worshiped God and shared the cultures of each other with people from various places all over the world, I felt “Is heaven such an atmosphere?” 

From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us(Acts 17:26,27 NIV).  

I remember this Scripture when I meet brethren in various countries. Certainly, language and cultural differences sometimes interfere with our communication. However, the Bible promises that we can communicate and understand each other beyond these differences.





  • 高所得者の13% 低所得者の27%
  • 70代以上の6% 50~70代の13% 30~50代の24% 30代までの25%
  • 女性の15% 男性の22%




イエス様は御自身がこの世界に来られた理由を「人の子は、失われたものを捜して救うために来たのである」(新約聖書 ルカによる福音書19:10)と言われました。




For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.

Feeling loneliness is painful. Sometimes we are tired of relationships and feel that I want to be alone, but I can not live alone. Interesting survey results were introduced in the class this week.

“Who are lonely?”

Upscale : 13% Downscale : 27%

Elders : 6% Boomers :13% Gen-Xers : 24%  Millennials : 25%

Women : 15% Men : 22%

According to this survey, young people have a higher percentage of loneliness than elderly people.

Three parable stories are written in the book of Luke 15. There are “The Parable of the Lost Sheep”, “The Parable of the Lost Coin”, and “The Parable of the Lost Son”. All of them teach that Jesus cherished “one” that was lost.

I feel lonely when I am alone. For example, as when I am alone in the desert without anyone. However, I feel lonely even in the crowd. That is the time when I feel that no one needs me, no one remembers me.

Jesus talked about the reason why he came to this world.

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost(Luke 19:10 NIV).

I have been in the Philippines this week for my study of English. I feel headache and I was asleep in my room. At that time my classmates gathered for me and prayed. I felt my heart and body healed by their kindness. I was able to feel that “I am not lonely”. When someone is suffering, I want to support him or her. Like they did for me.

初心、忘るべからず / “Don’t forget your first resolution.”





(新約聖書 ヨハネの黙示録2:4,5 新共同訳)



Shoshin wasuru bekarazu  “Don’t forget your first resolution.”

This is a Japanese saying that is often used in the sense that it means “When you get accustomed to things, you tend to be conscious, but do not forget the fresh, humble feelings, will when you start” .

But Zeami who wrote this word says, “Do not forget the misery when you started learning. If you remember it, you will continue to effort and you do not want to go back to that time.”

“Shoshin” means the starting point. That means the place where you started something, when.

At that time, we had a humble heart. And at that time we were miserable because we could not do it well.

I’m going to Philippines for my English training from November 12 to 29. This is the third training I will attend. It started just a year ago. One year has passed, I do not know how much my English has grown. I hope that is growing. This is an important word for me. “Don’t forget your first resolution.”

Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. (Revelation 2:4,5 NIV)

Bible also teach us, “Repent and do the things you did at first.” Go back to your starting point. Remember that. Our origin is in God. Because we were made by God. We should remember that God is our starting point.

主は約束されたとおり / The Lord did for Sarah what he had promised




(旧約聖書 創世記21:1,2 新共同訳)




We had evangelical meeting this week. There were 10 times meeting during this 5 days. God gave us many blessings. The first day was raining heavily. However, 30 participants attended. Some of them, those who came to our church for the first time were included. During five days, there was a day with a few participants. However, God gave us a valuable encounter in response to our prayer.

One week ago, my mind was filled with anxiety. “Does anyone participate in the meeting?”, “Can I teach them enough?” … etc. When I thought about it, my anxiety has increased. At that time, God gave me a Scripture. I wrote about it in a post last week. It was the faith of Abraham. He had anxiety, but he still believed in God’s promise. I read the continuance this week. It was written as follows there.

Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised.  Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.(Genesis 21:1,2 NIV)

God carried out His promise to Abraham. Even if it was difficult with human thought. We will not fully understand God’s promises and  His plans. However, He will do it at the best time. I hope that God fulfills a promise at the time of best in your life.