日別アーカイブ: 2017年10月27日

不信と信仰の間で / Between faith and unbelief



「御覧のとおり、あなたはわたしに子孫を与えてくださいませんでしたから、家の僕が跡を継ぐことになっています。」(旧約聖書 創世記15:3 新共同訳)





Abraham is called “father of faith”. However, when I read Genesis, I realize that he has not always believed in God. God promised him. “I will bless you, your offspring will be quite high.” However, he was not given a child even when he was older.

And Abram said, “You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir.”(Genesis 15:3 NIV)

I feel that anger and disbelief in God are represented in his words. God told him. “It is not you, he is your child, to inherit your house.” And God showed Abraham a starry sky. “Count those stars, your offspring will be like that.”

Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.(Genesis 15:6 NIV)

Because of this word he is called “the father of faith”.

Abraham was called “father of faith”. But even in his heart, distrust of God was sometimes felt. The situation he was facing was very strict. But he did not give up believing in God. And he chose to believe in God. I respect him very much. Because he looked up at the stars and believed in the promise of God even in the harsh reality. And I also want to choose to believe in God’s promise. As Abraham was.