日別アーカイブ: 2017年10月20日

さあ、見に来てください / Come, see a man



サマリヤの町の人々は、井戸のそばにいた一人の女性の「さあ、見に来てください…もしかしたら、この方がメシアかもしれません」(新約聖書 ヨハネによる福音書4:29 新共同訳)という言葉によって、イエス様のもとに行きました。







The reason for the first visit to church depends on that person. The reasons are various. Someone struggled in many troubles. He reached the church by himself from the struggle. However, according to a research, there are more people who arrived at the church through a person.

Let’s see some examples of the New Testament.

People in the town of Samaria met Jesus through the invitation of a woman who was near the well. She said,

“Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” (John 4:29 NIV)

Andrew was led to Jesus by the words of John(John 1:40).

The tax collector Matthew became a disciple of Jesus. When he became a disciple, he invited his friends to his house. It was to introduce Jesus to them(Matthew 9:10).

Characters of the Bible and also we were able to meet Jesus because someone told. In the same way, we would like to introduce Jesus to someone.

From October 29, an evangelistic meeting will be held at Hachioji Church. You are needed to tell someone Jesus.