日別アーカイブ: 2017年9月22日

自分の顔の肌が光を放っているのを知らなかった / He was not aware that his face was radiant



モーセは、山から下ったとき、自分が神と語っている間に、自分の顔の肌が光を放っているのを知らなかった。アロンとイスラエルの人々がすべてモーセを見ると、なんと、彼の顔の肌は光を放っていた。(旧約聖書 出エジプト記34:29,30 新共同訳)

モーセがシナイ山で神様と一緒に過ごしたとき、彼の顔は神様の光を反映して輝いていましたが、彼自身はそのことに気づいていませんでした。私が今週出会った生徒たちも、悩みや葛藤を抱えて神様に向き合っている中で、自分自身が輝いていることにおそらくは気づいてはいないのではないかと思います。神様は私たちに「悩みの日にわたしを呼べ、わたしはあなたを助け、あなたはわたしをあがめるであろう」(旧約聖書 詩篇50:15 口語訳)と言われました。悩みの中にあってそこから神様に呼ばわり向き合おうとする姿は尊いものです。そんな彼らが、悩みを突き抜けて力強く成長してゆくことを願い、祈り続けたいと思っています。

He was not aware that his face was radiant

I am staying at Hiroshima Saniku Gakuin for week of prayer this week. We worshiped together every morning and evening. And I talked with them personally. I was given the opportunity to hear their story. They have many troubles. However, they are trying to live positive. It seems to me that they are shining.

 When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord. When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him. (Exodus 34:29,30 NIV)

When Moses spent with God in Mount Sinai, his face was shining. But he did not notice it. The students I met this week also shine like Moses. Probably they have not noticed that.

God said us,

” and call on me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”(Psalm 50:15 NIV)


Despite they have troubles, the attitude of seeking God is beautiful. I hope they will overcome those difficulties. They will reveal the glory of God.