日別アーカイブ: 2017年9月15日

主の鍛錬 / The Lord’s discipline






(新約聖書 ヘブライ人への手紙12:6 新共同訳)



The Lord’s discipline

I sharpen my kitchen knife every week. However, the kitchen knife is dull. I have to sharpen it more skillfully. I bought a new whetstone. It was highly appreciated on the internet. I thought that I could sharpen my kitchen knife with it. On the day the whetstone arrived, I sharpened the kitchen knife with that whetstone. However, the kitchen knife still dull. It is difficult to sharpen knives. It requires high skills.

A Christian said, “God will sharpen me by hardships, then I feel very painful, but I know that God will grow me by hardships.”

I think it is a difficult word to say. I may can not say such a thing when it is a hardship. But if God sharpens me, I will be able to be reborn. When I sharpen a kitchen knife with a whetstone, not only kitchen knife but also grindstone wears. The whetstone wear out itself to sharpen the knives. Just like that, Christ loved us, hurting himself.

“My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline,
and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
because the Lord disciplines the one he loves,
and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”(Hebrews 12:5,6 NIV)

It’s difficult to tell the words of comfort to those who are suffering in the hardships. However, if it is “Lord’s discipline”, there should be hope there. I believe that you will be used by God someday if it was sharpened by the whetstone of God.