日別アーカイブ: 2017年9月1日

一石を投ずる / Cast a stone (Cause a stir)



イエス様は終末の徴について言われました。「戦争の騒ぎや戦争のうわさを聞くだろうが、慌てないように気をつけなさい。そういうことは起こるに決まっているが、まだ世の終わりではない」(マタイ24:6 新共同訳)。

また、ダニエルはネブカドネツァル王の夢を説き明かしの中で、人類の文明と王国の歴史を象徴する巨大な像を足元から粉々に破壊するのは「人手によらず切りだされた石」(ダニエル書2:45 新共同訳)であると預言しました。この預言の言葉は、人間が作り出したものはいつか崩れ去るが、その後に神様が支配される永遠の王国が必ずやって来るという約束です。




Cast a stone (Cause a stir)

The missile launched by North Korea on August 29 morning passed over Japan and fell into the Pacific Ocean. The Japanese government issued a warning to the target area through “J-alert”. People all over Japan was surprised by this incident. Even now various news about it is reported.

There is a word “cast a stone”(Cause a stir) in Japan.

This means that it cause a stir. That missile launched on that day has an effect on our lives like “a stone thrown”.

Jesus said about the signs of the end of the world.

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. (Matthew 24:6 NIV)

Daniel explained the king’s dream. Among them, He mentioned about the rock that destroyed the huge statue symbolizing human kingdom and history.

This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands—a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces.(Daniel 2:45 NIV)

The words of this prophecy tells us that objects made by humans will someday break. However, it promises us that the kingdom ruled by God will last forever.

We can not predict the future. We are living in a difficult time. That is why we need to live based on what is permanent. It is not a temporary thing made by humans.