日別アーカイブ: 2017年7月21日

一人では勝てない “I can not win alone.”








(新約聖書 マタイによる福音書28:20 口語訳)




“I can not win alone.”

I like bicycles. I like not only riding a bicycle, but also watching bicycle races. “Tour de France” which is the world’s largest bicycle race is being held right now.

In the race, the members work with the spirit of self-sacrifice to win the ace rider. They ride in front of the ace rider to against the wind. They carry water and food for the ace rider. Ace rider can reduce air resistance by 25% because of his teammate riding in front of him.

The rider who won the race says, “I can not win alone” “This victory is thanks to my teammate.”

“I can not win alone” “I can reach the goal thanks to my colleague’s support”—-This is the truth that applies not only to bicycle races but also to our life.

When I was frustrated and I almost gave up on myself, I was able to stand up with encouragement from my colleagues.

In the CLAP program, I had some friends to support me, so I was able to do my best.

God told Adam. And God gave him Eve.

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”(Genesis2:18 NIV)

We are “not alone” That’s great news.

This is Jesus’ promise to us.

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”(Matthew28:20 NIV)

God gives us friends. And God himself be with us. Praise the Lord!


  • Picture: The cyclists who met in Thailand. Colleagues who studied together.