日別アーカイブ: 2017年7月14日


タイでの研修を終え、無事に帰宅することが出来ました。長いようであっという間の17日間でした。今回の研修では、毎日1時間「Tutor Time」という時間がありました。これは一対一で、英語の先生や英語が上手な現地の学生と英会話をする時間です。初めは緊張しましたが、やがて慣れてくると毎日この時間が楽しみになっていきました。




(新約聖書 ヤコブの手紙1:19 新共同訳)


セブンスデー・アドベンチスト甲府キリスト教会 牧師 伊藤 滋



“Should be quick to listen”

I participated the program CLAP that is for Pastors and Church Leaders. This is a program to improve participant’s English and leadership. This session took place at the APIU in Thailand from June 25 to July 13.

“Tutor time” was set every day for participants. It was very helpful time for us. We enjoyed the conversation and received many benefits.

My tutor at one day was a British teacher. Beginning, we enjoyed daily conversation. After a while, I opened my heart to him and talked about the suffering that I had. He listened to my talk sincerely. He listened to my story with deep empathy. I suddenly could not keep on talking. I could not suppress my tears. I was greatly moved by his sincerity. I was taught him the importance of “listening to people’s story” that day.

I remembered the Scripture.

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

James 1:19 NIV

God gave us two ears and a mouth. It may be a message from God that “please listen more than speak”.

I want to become a person who listens to someone in good faith. That day, as he did to me.


  • It is Mr. & Mrs. Hole. Mrs. Hole is our English teacher. Mr. Hole is our Tutor.