
夜はよもすがら泣き悲しんでも / Crying may last for a night





(旧約聖書 詩篇30:4,5 口語訳)


It rained for the first time in a month. When I heard the sound of rain, I felt my heart comforted. Basically I like the sunny winter sky. But as it lasts for too long, I want rain. Recently, the air has been too dry, so influenza is prevalent. And the price of vegetables is rising.

We like sunny days. However, if it lasts for a long time, some difficulties will arise. When the difficult situation we face lasts long, we are disappointed. “Where is the exit in this tunnel?”

There is such a day in our life.

His anger lasts only a moment.
    But his kindness lasts for a lifetime.
Crying may last for a night.
    But joy comes in the morning.(Psalms 30:5 ICB)

When our lives are going well, we can thank God. However, it is difficult to thank God when difficulty continues. However, the Bible promises to us. The night of sorrow will eventually change in the morning of joy. I pray that we can remind that God is preparing hope morning when we walk on the night of sorrow.

本心に立ちかえる時 / “When he came to himself”



(新約聖書 ルカによる福音書15:17,18 口語訳)

彼が「本心に立ちかえっ」たのは、遠く父の家を離れ、すべての財産と友人、食べるものまでも失ったときでした。英語の聖書ではこの箇所が“when he came to himself”(彼が彼自身に戻ったとき)と書かれています。私はこの物語を読むときに、この弟だけが特別に愚かな人間だったとは思えません。彼と同じように、大切な何かを見失っていた私たちが「本心に立ちかえる」のは、何かを失ったときなのではないかと思うからです。




There are three parables in Luke 15. They have a common theme. The theme is that God is looking for a lost one. “The Prodigal son” is very famous parable. The prodigal son received huge money from his father and he went to a far country. Then he wasted all the money and time. When he had spent everything, a severe famine came to the country, so he couldn’t get food.

 “But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have more than enough bread, but I perish here with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you.(Luke 15:17,18 ESV)

When he lost everything so he was able to come to himself. I think that stupid person is not only the son but also us. Because we often do not come to ourselves until we lose something important. When we lose something, it may be a good opportunity to come to ourselves.

As the father waited without giving up his son, God is waiting for us to return.

心の目を開いてくださるように / “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened”






(新約聖書 エフェソ1:17~19 新共同訳)



There is a “blind spot” in our eyes and mind. Although I am surely watching “it”, I often do not notice “it”.

We often think take everything (foods, clothes, house, health etc) for granted. However, when I couldn’t sleep well, I realized the importance of sleep.

Paul said in a letter to Ephesus church:

 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. (Ephesians 1:17-19 NIV)

He said that if our mind’s eye are closed, we can’t know God deeply. His words are asking me. “Is your mind’s eye open?” “Do you really know God?”

I want to know God deeply more, and I want to believe His limitless power.

どんな人か見たいと思っていた / “ He wanted to see who Jesus was”




(新約聖書 ルカによる福音書19:5 口語訳)


I went to running on holiday morning as usual. As I was running I noticed that there were many policemen and police car beside the road.

I asked one of them, “What’s going on? Is anyone important coming here?”

He answered, “The Emperor and Empress are going to their tomb for special ceremony. They will pass here soon.”

When I heard this, I was so excited. Because it was my first experience to see the Emperor. As the policeman said, the Emperor and Empress came there soon. It was only for a moment but I was able to see the Emperor and the Empress.

At that time, it reminded me of the story of Zacchaeus.

When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.”  (Luke 19:5 NIV)

The Bible says,“He wanted to see who Jesus was,”(19:3).

Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus, so he prepared for that. He looked up where Jesus was about to pass and was waiting at the place which was on a tree.

Finally, he was able to see Jesus. Not only was he able to see Jesus, but Jesus spoke to Zacchaeus personally! How pleased he was!

He did his best to prepare to meet Jesus. Then he was able to meet Jesus.

We are waiting for Jesus to come again. Are we preparing for the best just like Zacchaeus did? I would like to welcome Jesus happily like Zacchaeus when Jesus comes.

新年の願い / My goal this year




「わたしを祝福してくださらないなら、あなたを去らせません」。(旧約聖書 創世記32:26 口語訳)





A happy new year! May God bless your year.

This is my goal this year. I want to further strengthen the relationship with God. I often did not have enough time to spend in prayer and Bible study. Because I was busy or tired. This is as if I am saying to God; “God, I do not need you, I can do it by myself”. As a result, I almost burned out.

When Jacob submitted to the message from God and he tried to go back to his hometown, he was very suffering from the feeling of guilt and the fear of Esau tormented him.

That night, Jacob fought overnight with the angel God had sent. Then Jacob said to him,

“I will not let you go unless you bless me.” (Genesis 32:26 ESV)

Ellen White describes Jacob’s feelings at that time as follows.

“He had decided to spend the night in prayer, and he desired to be alone with God. God could soften the heart of Esau. In Him was the patriarch’s only hope.

In his night of anguish beside the Jabbok, when destruction seemed just before him, Jacob had been taught how vain is the help of man, how groundless is all trust in human power. He saw that his only help must come from Him against whom he had so grievously sinned.( “Patriarchs and Prophets” Chapter 18)

This is my prayer. “God, please change me, please give me a heart to seek  You strongly like Jacob,and please give me a hunger for you.”