(新約聖書 マルコによる福音書4:35 新共同訳)
I went to the Enoshima-island this week. It was so sunny day and there is quite beautiful ocean. So when I saw the beautiful ocean, I felt my heart and body were charged. God’s creation is wonderful, isn’t it?
By the way, looking the ocean from land is comfortable, but go over to other side across the ocean is very difficult.
In the Bible, “sea” and “lake” often symbolize anxiety and difficulties.
That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” (Mark 4:35 NIV)
Jesus told to disciples,“Let us go over to the other side.” In the same way, He tell us “Come with me across the lake.”
I will move to another church 10 days later. When I think about next job, my heart are filled with anxiety.
But this quote reminds me how much Jesus cares for me.
Jesus did not bid Peter come to Him that he should perish; He does not call us to follow Him, and then forsake us.(The Desire of Ages 3821)
God gave me a lot of blessings during these six years. In the beginning, I couldn’t imagine these blessings. At that time, my heart were filled with anxiety.
Not only moving or graduation, but also at our everyone’s life, Jesus tell us “Let us go over to the other side.” Because no one knows what will happen tomorrow. Even if I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, I wish respond to the invitation of Jesus day by day.