投稿者「伊藤 滋」のアーカイブ

神は彼に新しい心を与えられた / God gave him another heart




(旧約聖書 サムエル記上10:9 口語訳)






(旧約聖書 詩篇51:10,11 口語訳)


There are many records of miracle in the Bible that God was done.

God divided the sea through the Moses. And He gave daily bread to Isralies at the wilderness. Jesus healed sick person. And He resurrected the dead.

We might not to seeing that kind of miracles today, but It isn’t means God isn’t exist or He does not work today.

God is alive. And He works even now. He changes our heart. It is one of the proof of His work.

When he turned his back to leave Samuel, God gave him another heart(1 Samuel 10:9 ESV).

Saul had good appearance. However, his character was not always faithful to God, although God gave him “another heart” when Saul became the first King of Israel.

In the beginning, Saul made good result. But when he left from God’s way, his heart also left from God’s will.

God give us “another heart”. But it’s not enough we receive it only one time. We need His gift everyday.

We have to seek Him, and receive His “another heart” everyday. Because we must keep connect to God always.

This is a prayer David had prayed. I want to follow his prayer day by day. Because God give us another heart that He had promised.

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
    and renew a right spirit within me.
 Cast me not away from your presence,
    and take not your Holy Spirit from me(Psalm 51:10,11 ESV).

前進 / Go Forward!


大会の総テーマは、「前進」“Go Forward”でした。各国の教会それぞれに抱えている課題や直面している困難はあるけれど、神様が約束してくださっている目的地に向かって信仰をもって前進して行こう!そのような気持ちにさせられました。



(新約聖書 ヘブル人への手紙10:25 新改訳)



I participated the International Mission Congress at KINTEX Goyan-si Korea. It was a meeting of church members provided by the Northern Asia Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventist Church.

More than 3000 participants were joined that meeting. Participants came from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia, and other countries.

There were several lectures, reports from each countries, booths, Biblical musical and Divine worship. So we were able to these programs.

I was really touched by many testimonies.

Members came from North Korea because of persecution.

A student who are working hard for to evangelize her friends and mother.

A Taiwan church pastor and members keep praying for neighbors. They get up at every early morning and go to church. Then they are praying together and keep praying during even they walking around the village.

They already had it over 300 days. They will keep it for 777 days.

I was really blessed and inspired by these testimonies.

not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching(Hebrews 10:25 NIV).

Bible mention about importance of meeting together.

Actually, faith is based on personal relationship between me and God.

However, we can’t keep faith without support by others. Because we are weak. When we meeting together, and encourage each other, we can go forward until Jesus Christ come again.

神が合わせられたものを、人は離してはならない / God has joined together, let no one separate



(新約聖書 マタイによる福音書19:4~6 口語訳)





I got a wedding ceremony on Sunday. This is the Scripture that I have read when the bride and groom did a marriage vow.

“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?  So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”(Matthew 19:4-6 NIV)

It is very solemn declaration. According to the Bible, the bond of marriage is not made by humans. It was set on by God. Because of it, Bible don’t allow separate the couple by human.

I went to my parents house after the wedding ceremony. I was able to spent relax time with my parents. They have gradually become unable to do what they had before themselves. Because they got old. However, they support each other and live.

“We did marriage vow in front of God when we were young, and we live for long time together until now, so we are very happy.” my father said.

When I listened his saying, I remembered that Scripture again.

There are many waves in our life. However, the fact that there is a “wave” is not a problem. Blessed is the one who knows the hiding place to go when the “wave” comes.

I pray that may God protect the young couple when even if they meet with the big “wave”.

枯れた骨よ、主の言葉を聞け /  Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD!





(旧約聖書 エゼキエル37:3,4 新共同訳)





The people of Israel were chosen by God and blessed. However, according to the Old testament, they didn’t obey God and they had gone astray.

God sent a prophet to restore them. God told the people of Israel through them. Ezekiel was one of the prophets. God showed visions to him.

There was a valley filled with dry bones.

He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.”

Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! (Ezekiel 37:3,4 NIV)

It was an eerie landscape! Those bones symbolized the state of the people of Israel. And there is a day we also lose our vitality and motivation to live. Like a “Dry bone”.

The Bible teaches that only God is the source of life. God can give us life. Even if we were withered.

If now you are losing your energy, you will be able to hear this call of God.

Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life(Ezekiel 37:4,5 NIV).