投稿者「伊藤 滋」のアーカイブ

アロンの死を悼んで泣いた / All the house of Israel wept for Aaron









(旧約聖書 民数記20:28,29 新共同訳)


Moses and Aaron’s life had many difficulties. They complemented each other and fulfilled the role given by God. However, they were often failed. Aaron made these mistakes.

Aaron accused him because Moses married a foreigner.

Aaron complained with Miriam.“Has the Lord indeed spoken only Moses?”

When Moses was absent for a long time, Aaron responded to the people’s request and made statues of the golden calf.

Aaron was not a perfect leader. He made many mistakes. He made God sad.

But he walked his way until the end of his life. He worked on the work given by God. He could not get to the promised land, but lived his own life to the end.

Moses removed Aaron’s garments and put them on his son Eleazar. And Aaron died there on top of the mountain. Then Moses and Eleazar came down from the mountain, and when the whole community learned that Aaron had died, all the Israelites mourned for him thirty days.(Numbers20:28,29 NIV)

My heart was moved when I read this verse. I also made many mistakes. I often hurt people and made God sad. However, like Aaron, I want to walk my own life to the end. Even if I make a mistake. When Aaron passed away, the people of Israel wept. Their tears are proof that Aaron was a valuable leader for them.

「40日の祈り」と「70日の祈り」 / ”40 Days of Prayer” and “70 days of Prayer”


(新約聖書 ルカによる福音書22:32 新共同訳)


先日、私たち日本の教会が所属する北アジア太平洋支部で働く友人から「私たちの事務所でも、日本のために祈っています」という励ましのメッセージを受け取りました。事務所の壁には、“70Days Prayer for All Japan 2018 Maranatha”(「全日本18マラナ・タのための70日の祈り」)という横断幕が掲げられていました。その写真を見ながら胸が熱くなりました。




But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”(Luke 22:32 NIV)

Many Japanese churches will have evangelism meetings this May. Many people participate in “40 days of prayer” for the meeting. We also started this prayer from 25th March at our church. We are praying together at the prayer meeting and at the members’ home when learning the Bible. And, when it is difficult to gather together, we pray together using SNS, telephone and so on.

I received a message from my friend this week. She works at the office of the Northern Asia Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventist church. The people working at the office also pray for the Japanese church and its work. They continue “70 days of prayer” for Japan.

I am praying with the members of the church for the ministry of our church. And there are friends praying in foreign countries for us. That is a great pleasure.

One day last year, I was resting because I felt ill. At that time, I received an e-mail from a person I do not know. He is a pastor who works at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist church. He said. “I pray everyday for you and your ministry.” I was very surprised. Because it was a hard day for me.

At that time, I felt as if Jesus told me, “I am praying for you.” Indeed, Jesus continues to pray for me.

We can connect strongly with God by prayer. And we can support each other with our friends by prayer.

I will experience such prayer power again through this “40 days of prayer”.

すべてをありのまま話した / Told him the whole truth





(新約聖書 マルコによる福音書5:33 新共同訳)



Four young people will talk about their experiences at the service of the Hachioji church on 24th March. They graduated from each school this spring. During their three or six years, there would have been something happy or sad.  They graduated beyond those periods. I think that it is worth the time they spent. It is not easy for us to write what they have experienced, and to talk about it in front of people.

They accepted my request willingly. I am grateful to them.

When Jesus was in the crowd, a woman approached him and touched its clothes. She was sick, but she believed that if she touched Jesus she would recover. When she touched Jesus, Jesus felt that power comes out of him. And he said. “Who touched me?” What then did she do?

 Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth(Mark 5:33 NIV).

Telling her own experience in front of people was also difficult for her. She would want to leave there calmly. But Jesus hoped she would come out and talk about her whole experience. It was because other people were blessed by her experience.

I pray that people will be blessed through the experiences of young people at the worship service on 24th March. And God will bless the future of these young people.



(旧約聖書 伝道の書3:1,2,11 口語訳)






旅立ち / Departure








I have been joining the CLAP(Communication and Leadership Advancement Program) program that is provided by Northern Asia pacific division of Seventh-day Adventists since 2016. There are 27 members (pastors and church leaders) from Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan and Mongolia are participating in it. There are four intensive sessions during  two years. One session is 17 days. During those periods, participants are learn English and leadership on a tight schedule. It is painful days for me who is not good at English. However, friendship with the members I met there is a gift from God for me.

This program is assigned not only intensive sessions but also homework to members after each comes home. It is difficult for me to do their homework while doing my work. If I stop studying because I am busy this week, I will be lazy, even if I have time next week. The NSD office has staff to support us. He came there as a missionary from the Philippines. He always encouraged us and urged us to do their homework. I am very grateful to him. If he were not there, I would have been impossible to keep studying until today.

I handed him a report every week and had an online conversation with him. However, he returned his country after finishing his work last month. He is not in the office right now. I was very sad.

Say to goodbye is sad, but we can pray each other even if we are separate, and we can look forward to the reunion. God gave us the hope of reunion.

 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.(John 14:1-3 NIV)

Spring is the season of encountering parting and departure (especially in Japan, and Korea). We leave in this season and may send a friend out. May God give you hope of second coming of Jesus and reunion in this season.